15 September

Photo Journal, Thursday, September 15. Morning Light, Bishop Gibbons Postponed, Fall Arrives

by Jon Katz

Autumn finally arrived here; better late than never. A crisp day with sunshine. I noticed this morning that there was October light outside on the farm; the sun is lower in the sky than in the summer; this is what we call October Light, the photographer’s light.

I went outside to put this to good use, and my flowers did not disappoint me. They are dancing in the light.



We were supposed to go to Bishop Gibbons today, but I was asked to watch some human resources videos given to all volunteers and people outside who work with students. It’s a new policy in Catholic Schools, stringently informed, and I’m happy to watch the videos and answer a quiz afterward.

Times have changed, schools need to be careful, parents need to be comfortable, and kids need to be safe. So do teachers and volunteers.

I don’t do much work with the students directly other than interviewing them and raising funds (Maria teaches them). We are always strict about who is photographed – permission forms come from teachers, parents, and the kids.

I am also mentoring one student and one teacher in their writing.

As a protection for everyone, I am never alone with the students; there is always a teacher present. It’s safer and more comfortable for everyone that way. Maria and I also signed forms for background checks, something else the Church requires now and has for some years. The need for these safeguards is sad in many ways and understandable in every way. I appreciate that they allow me to do this work. I understand their safety concern.


This afternoon, I’m continuing my search for animal crackers for the Mansion circus tomorrow. I got two boxes at Wal-Mart last night, but those were the previous two. I have to cast a wider net; the chaos is being held at the Mansion tomorrow, decorations and games courtesy of the Army Of Good.


If I’ve learned anything about photography, I always watch where the light comes from and figure out what my cameras do best. The Iphone 13 is excellent for both landscapes and close-ups. The Leicas are the best for portraits and scenes.

When I see the light coming from a slant, as it was this morning, I grab my cameras, and they are always near me or with me. I always know where the light is and try to use it.



  1. I was at the Market Wagon in Bennington yesterday and they have containers of animal crackers there. Hope this helps in your quest…

  2. Do you have a Target store close by? I purchased some in the animal cracker boxes from when I was a kid and did not even know that they still made them; but I found them at Target. They were reasonable, just thought I would mention it to you. I bet the residents would remember those little boxes with the animal on it.

  3. I remember art teachers talking about light source geography, the Netherlands and the strange light in Dutch paintings, Santa Barbara California.

    Can you give more detail about how the various lights are expressed in your photos?

    The last photo is gorgeous, so delicate in amny ways.

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