15 September

Maria’s Heron Gets Some Feet. Hard Work Of Love.

by Jon Katz

Maria’s quite wonderful Heron Hanging Piece is slowly and painstakingly nearing completion. Today, she worked on her feet. Now, she’s going to work on the backdrop, I’m not sure what she’s planning there, and she didn’t tell me. But I’m following the evolution of the Heron on my blog.

This is hard work; her legs and back are sore. ย She’s been working on this project for weeks. It’s a hanging piece, not a quilt, meant for walls.

I was happy to give her shoulders a massage. I love following the evolution of this Heron Hanging Piece. It is a work of love and dedication. You can follow the work on the Heron on her blog, www.fullmoonfiberart.com.


  1. Maria, you’ve outdone yourself again! What a gorgeous depiction of the Heron! ๐Ÿ™‚ Is he/she sold yet and how much will she cost? ๐Ÿ™‚ I LOVE it! My colors when I reach NC on September 29! Can’t wait…?

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