14 September

Zoom With Me. Let’s Talk With Each Other This Morning

by Jon Katz

When I started the blog in 2007, I never imagined giving up book writing to make the blog my writing and creative home. The blog started with a few hundred people, and hundreds of thousands of people are reading it regularly now, with millions of hits a year.

The blog is successful, and I love doing it, but it can always be better.

I like to talk to people face to face and speak openly and honestly with them. That is impossible with everyone on the blog now, but I would love to inject a human element into this fantastic, still strange relationship. Digital communications only go so far.

It’s going well, but I think it would be great if we could speak with each other once a week, face to face, as humans are meant to do. It would be good for me to do and hopefully good for some of you to do. I don’t know if many people want to do it or nobody wants to; we’ll find out.

I’m no different from you in most ways, except that I’m a blogger and author and live on a farm.

I’d love to talk with you regularly in a venue where we can see and hear each other. It might be helpful to you, but it will definitely benefit me.

That doesn’t make me better or worse; it just makes me me.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll say so and move on. If it does, I’ll do it every week.

Maria is going to join us for part of the Zoom this morning. I hope she’ll be on with me regularly, as we did in our podcast. This is new to both of us.

If you can and wish, come and Zoom with me this morning. It should be fun.

So I’m inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. All you have to do is click on this link. The passcode and ID are there if you need them. You can sign in anytime; I’ll be admitting people from 9:45 on. Andrew Koehler will be on-site to ensure I don’t screw it up.

I’m psyched about this. It has a good feeling. See you soon, hopefully.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 713 3183 4095
Passcode: c2dUP3



  1. I wasn’t able to join the meeting due to internet issues on my end. Hopefully this will be resolved in time for next weeks chat.

    1. Josie, we have the most wonderful meeting, I couldn’t be happier, small lively, fun, open. I hope you will try again next week, we got all the ticks ironed out…

  2. Sounds like it went well! Yay!! ?
    Sadly, I’m not available early mornings (9:00 Texas time) since I care for my elderly mom. Would you consider possibly doing the Zoom meeting at varying times each week so those of us who cannot join at 10:00ET could join some other time?

    1. It doesn’t work to switch the times, Jeanne, it will be hard enough to get people used to this one, and other times don’t work well for Maria and for me. I think we’re off to a good start, I was very happy with the hour we spent… Maria has agreed to be a regular part of it also..

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed it!! Super surprised there weren’t more of us. We all got to ask questions, give input, etc. Thanks, Jon and Maria and, of course, tech guru Andrew. I’m looking forward to next week!

    1. Thanks Georgeann, there were more, but their admission requests didn’t go through, but what I learned was that it should be small so that everyone can speak and be heard and ask questions if they have any. You were a pleasure to talk to and I hope you return often. We could have gone on another hour. Thanks so much. We ironed out a lot of the bugs and got the signup procedures in order..This idea needs to be small to work..Come ack anytime!

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