13 September

The Cats Take Back Their Fiber Chair: The Imperious Hens Are Shocked And Annoyed

by Jon Katz

The Imperious Hens showed up this morning to take over the Fiber Chair and hold their morning planning and strategy meeting. They were shocked to find both Minnie and Flo curled up in the chair, sleeping.

Two of the hens just stormed off to search for bugs, the older hen just sat there and glowered. I don’t think she’s given up.

I’m going to the Mansion for my Meditation Class; Maria is working hard on the feathers for her Heron, soon to be a hanging piece.


  1. This post is hilarious – thank you for an early morning laugh. My first thought before I read it was “Good for you Kitties! Serves those imperious hens right!” Have a good time at the Mansion today.

  2. Boy that Hen is truly annoyed!
    What a great photo. I love to begin my days with your beautiful flower photos – thank you for sharing them with the world.

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