13 September

Severe Storm. It Came Today. We Drank Mint Tea From Our Garden Mint.

by Jon Katz

The weather service has warned us of severe storms all summer, but if they came, they missed us. Today, one came, and they weren’t kidding. It was foreboding, wild, full of lightning and thunder and torrential rain.

Maria and I rushed to the front porch to sit in our garden with some tea made from mint. Maria has been stockpiling tea bags for just such an occasion.

Even Zinnia didn’t want to be outside, and Bud was so freaked out I had to get him into a crate and cover it with blankets. The lightning was striking all around us, and the thunder was impressive and very loud.

I got soaked taking these photos. The storm was so menacing we were all warned to get indoors immediately. It lasted about 25 minutes, and there was no power outage, a minor but welcome miracle. More storms are expected tonight, but the worst seems to be over.

This was the worst storm of the summer.

I gauge the power of the rain by what’s happening to the bird feeder. I imagine I lost quite a few flowers, also.

Our new generator sits in the barn, dray and full of gasoline. Maybe this winter, the snow storms have been getting nasty.


  1. Oh cool photo! Can see the lines of rain, the sway of the trees and saw the boiling birdbath (scratch that – – cat and chicken water bowl) before scrolling down to your close-up of the white-capped waves in it. And the barnyard’s looking lake-ish…. Tread carefully!

  2. We have a generator in our garage. We don’t use it often but when we need it, it’s such a blessing. And noisy! Wishing you well through the storms.

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