12 September

Come Zoom With Us; “Talk To Me,” Wednesday 9:30 A.M. On Zoom. Link Below

by Jon Katz

You are invited to come to join Zinnia and me for my trial run of yet another project meant to humanize you and me, and my blog. Let’s make some good history.

If this trial works out, I plan to host a  Zoom meeting every Wednesday morning at 10 A.M. Zinnia will be there, and I’m hoping to get Maria to jump in once in a while.

If you come, please bring some questions; that’s the core of the idea.

We had fun with our podcast but got too distracted to stick with it.

I’m hoping that doesn’t happen again.

I love my blog and I’m always trying to make it better.

Most of the time, it will be me, with Zinnia snoring in the background. I’ll be wearing my newsboy cap to keep the glare from my bald spot from blinding me on my computer screen.

Some people have already signed in; I can’t tell how many. I have to admit everyone one at a time to the meeting itself, and the members of the talk are first come, first serve only. I’ll start admitting people between 9:30 and 9:50.

Andrew Koehler, my tech wizard, will be on Zoom to ensure I don’t screw it up.

All you need to get to the admissions queue is the hyperlink below. Should you require the ID or passcode, I’ve included it. This is a safe zone; no arguing, just good conversation.

I’m planning on 15 people the first time, and if that works, we’ll expand it a bit. I want it to be small enough.

Come and sign up if you wish. If this becomes a regular thing, as I hope it will, I’ll video the sessions and post them on the blog. Thanks.

I’m inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 713 3183 4095
Passcode: c2dUP3

This is a fairly radical experiment in the blogging world. My wish is for this to spark a more human interaction between people who write and people who read what we write.


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