12 September

Autumn Flowers, Study In Red. Supporting The Mansion Fund. Here Comes The Season Of Need

by Jon Katz

I decided to do an autumn flower study in red, a fall color. I’m seeing a second wave of flowers in my garden – begonias, marigolds, mums, some new small flowers I can’t yet name.

The Zinnia’s are still booming.

These three images caught my imagination, and I’m proud to share them with you.



The Covid demons got me today, physically and emotionally. But I got right outside and took some flower photos. I suspect I will feel better all around in the morning.

While I’m posting, I’d like to ask for some support for the Mansion Fund; we are approaching the season of need.

This is Assisted Care Week at the Mansion. I’m bringing ice cream sundae kits for 50 people in the morning, enough for residents and aides. I’m resuming my meditation classes tomorrow and my Men’s Group next week.

Thursday, I’m going to Bishop Gibbons to meet with Killian, a writer I’m mentoring, and to sit in one of  Sue Silverstein’s exciting new art classes.

I’ve cut back on asking for funds; times got hard.

But as Fall approaches, so does the need for shoes, blankets, socks, winter sweaters, shirts, toothpaste and disinfectants, scarves, gloves, soaps, pajamas, and blankets.

The requests will start coming to me now that it is getting cooler.

I purchase these items at thrift and consignment stores and Dollar Stores, but they still cost some money.

The residents know to come to me for help with these things, and I hope I can still help them out.

We are also trying to fund some modest and inexpensive outings to local parks, museums, and farms.

In winter, the residents will be holed up again, as they have been for some time.

The fund is down to $200. If you can help, that would be great.

You can contribute via Paypal, [email protected], or Venmo, Jon-Katz@Jon-Katz-13.



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