7 September

Wednesday Morning: A Day Of Promise

by Jon Katz

Moise just went by in his horse carriage on the way to town and waved; the dogs rushed out to bark at the carriage horse, as they always do; I am working to prepare for a  Zoom conference with Andrew, my tech friend, and adviser.

We’re going to see if we can set up a weekly “Talk To Me” Zoom conference with the blog’s readers.

I hope to admit at least 12 blog readers and an available number of viewers to have a weekly conversation with me. I’ll ask people to register in advance.

This will be a safe zone, with no arguing or hostility.

People who aren’t at the conference can send questions, and I’ll try to answer some. The idea is for a dialogue to humanize communicating online.

I hope to get this up and running in the next week or so, if Andrew can work out the technical issues and explain them to me.

Lots of things get lost in digital translation, I can’t gauge the mood, meaning, and intent of some of the messages I get, and the opposite is also true.

People often think I’m angry at them for disagreeing with me, but no one who knows me believes that is true. I sometimes get the messages wrong.

I like the idea of seeing the people I’m talking to. This afternoon, I got to Albany to check my eyes, another chapter in health and aging (and diabetes.)

Because of Covid and my intestinal virus earlier, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the retinal doctor, Dr.Falk. I am somewhat anxious about it; my eyes are important to me and my life.

An important and promising day in many ways. More later. Maria will drive me because I can’t see well after my eyes are dilated. I hope this doesn’t interfere with her belly dancing classes, she hates to miss those.


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