7 September

Free The Books In Your Town. Alys Wants To Go National And Is Seeking Volunteers To Help

by Jon Katz

Almost every day, someone messages me and asks how they can bring the idea of the Army Of Good to their town or city. I have an excellent idea for you. I see good as a virus sometimes; let’s spread it.

Alys Culhane, founder, and spirit of the Bright Lights Book Project in Palmer, Alaska, is launching a holy crusade to liberate countless books wasting away in garbage dumps, library and home basements, closets, and attics.

She has liberated tons and tons of books in population sparse Alaska. Think what we could do hear.

She wants to expand into the country with her idea of a book liberation that frees and recycles books and gets them into the hands of people who need them, who sometimes can’t afford them.

She is helping  Bishop Gibbons re-stock their school library, get them books for a school book fair, and send books to the Mansion residents, many of whom are passionate book readers.

She gives the books away for free, no strings attached, and she has already gotten some grant money to help.

Alys is the real deal. She cares about the needy and vulnerable and believes in the power of reading and books to brighten the world and make it a better place. I am honored that the Army Of Good inspired her.

She gathers books and travels the state giving them to people. She says there are more languishing books than she could ever count and significant numbers of people who need them, from schools to private homes.

She wants volunteers from other states to join her group and open Bright Lights chapters and outposts all over the country. What a great way to do good and help people.

You can learn about the group on the Bright Lights Book Project website. You can also contact her by phone at 907-745-4747 or e-mail:  [email protected] or [email protected].

And thanks. Good deeds and good itself can be contagious.

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