4 September

The Last Ice Cream Stand Closes For The Summer

by Jon Katz

Maria and I took a drive today, and I drove both ways; I am going again without any fatigue and fog. I’m sleeping well, eating well, and running around without penalty.

My taste is returning slowly, we are eating veggie stir fries again, and I’m looking forward to returning to the Mansion this week. I know, I know, rest and rest, but I am feeling myself today. Perhaps it will continue through tomorrow.

Fall is showing itself. It’s still unseasonably warm, but there are cooling breezes in the evening that evoke Autumn.

We went to Bennington, Vt. today to drop some books off for friends who need to isolate themselves this week in order to have some required surgery – they must be healthy.

We just dropped the books off on our porch and texted them.

I have felt a bit like a leper this week – I’m staying away from almost everyone – but it’s time to return to everyday life. No one is complimenting me on how healthy I look. And some people are making it clear they don’t want me too close.

As sometimes happens with Covid and diabetes, my weight shot up a bit along with my blood sugar numbers while I was sickest. Nobody knows why

The numbers are coming down again, and so is the weight.

On the way out of Bennington, we stopped at Billy T’s Dairy Bar, home of my favorite lobster roll, but it was already closed for the season.

We stopped at Benson’s Dairy Bar in White Creek, New York, as we got closer to home. Maria got some custard, and I got some sugar-free something; I wasn’t sure what it was. It tasted pretty good for sugar-free.

Benson’s closed for the season just after we left; all the college kids who worked there this summer posted their colleges on a board and said thanks and goodbye. Most of the servers went to colleges in and around New York State.

One caught Maria’s eye. She was going to the Savannah College of Art And Design. We tried to figure out if we had met her, but no luck.

We sat on a bench that overlooked some rich green pasture. We said goodbye to summer; driving around for ice cream is one of our cherished summer rituals.

A lovely wind has come up over the hills, and Maria and I are going to sit outside in the friendship chairs and watch the animals and the birds. We’re having that Meditteranean pizza we got at the Farmers Market from the Shift Food Wagon tonight.

I got some flower photographs in, and I’ll post those photos this evening. My raised garden beds still have some surprises in them.

I’m reading two mysteries now; I’ll list them later. The holiday weekend was good for both of us. We are both feeling a lot better. I’ve learned not to declare victory too early. Covid is humbling and willful.


  1. My blood sugar took a beating with Covid. I wasn’t eating but my blood sugar sky rocketed. I use insulin and it was hard to regulate for awhile. I am glad you are getting there! It is a nasty illness.

  2. I just found your books and blog this past week! THOROUGHLY enjoy reading your writings! The farm and all of its animals sounds like a piece of heaven on earth! ❤️
    Praying for you!

    1. Not heaven, but pretty nice for us. Welcome…There’s no such thing as a perfect life, but we are happy in ours.

  3. Just wanted you to know that Lenore finds a friend and The Dogs of Bedlam farm are so popular with my 2nd graders!!

    I have warned them all to be careful with them because I am not sure I can order more for our school library and they all solemnly promised they would.

    Enjoy the ice cream!

  4. Jon, thank you for posting loster roll place was closed for season. We are heading that way for a reunion and I had planned on getting that delicious looking roll. Now I need to find another lunch idea.

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