30 August

Morning Mist For Another Very Hot Day

by Jon Katz

Another heat advisory day, I’m cancelling my plans to return to the gym. I’ve got to stay inside and out of the sun. Covid is still my companion. I saw the sunlight and rushed outside (test, unclothed) to catch the light. It was worth it.

Maria rushed outside naked at 3 a.m. to see the stars and listen to the noise from the bugs and frogs. Amazingly, the two of us run out naked because we don’t want to miss a sound, star, or photo—two peas in a pod.

It’s supposed to start cooling down tomorrow, this is bizarre weather for late August up here, but everyone everywhere is saying the same thing. Much of the world seems bent on destroying our planet or making it unliveable; greed is a potent force among humans.

I woke up with exhaustion, congestion, and joint pain. Just another day for Covid; it’s not the flu. Maria is resuming her art lessons at the Mansion; she feels good and strong.


Kim is our shyest sheep, but she’ll get close for an alfalfa cookie.


  1. I understand how Covid just slaps us upside the head. After 8 months I still have days where I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, but the good thing is as time moves forward those types of days are getting fewer and farther apart. I think your positive thoughts and attitude are a huge part of your continued healing! Thank you for sharing your journey and your beautiful photos (I especially love the zinnia pictures). Blessings to you and Maria and all the residents of Bedlam Farm.

  2. Not sure how bad the mosquitoes are there but if I went outside naked in Alabama I’d lose a pint of blood in minutes. Scratch, scratch, scratch.

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