30 August

Is God Sending Me A Message? “Take This Photo And Live A Good Life:” If There Is A God, You’ll Be Welcome…If There Is No God, You Will Have Lived A Good Life.

by Jon Katz

I’m unsure about God; I don’t pray to him, worship him or believe he is watching out for me. But sometimes, I get messages from a God sort of spirit, as I sometimes imagine God to be.

Like this morning, when I looked out the window and saw this beautiful sky, I said to Maria, “God is sending me a message!” and ran outside to take a photo of the cloud.

Why would I say that? On some level, I feel the power of a force so much greater than me and a deep spiritual presence. Could that be God or a God? I don’t know, but I will keep listening. I like the idea that God is sending me messages.

I like the way Marcus Aurelius wrote about the existence of God, and I embrace his philosophy:

Live a good life. If there are gods, and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods but unjust, you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, you will be gone but have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.



  1. When you are entranced by a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a roaring waterfall, beautiful wild flowers covering a hillside, or in the fall you marvel at the trees decked out as if to go to a party in bright reds, oranges, yellow and a million shades in-between it’s hard not to believe in some higher power.

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