Maria started to feel weak and tired yesterday, something scarce for her; she finally lay down and went to sleep.
Before giving in, she was in her studio sketching Imperious Hens for her next potholder project.
It takes a particular virus to take her down, and I think I’m catching it this afternoon. Got the same symptoms.
I’m off to the pharmacy for some decongestants.
I got some tea into her and soup for lunch. She is taking orders and is very quiet. The dogs are on the case, as you can see.
Being sick sure doesn’t affect her work.
Imperious Hen possibilities. We were in restaurants, museums, and crowded theaters all weekend, I suppose it’s not surprising we picked something up there. We’ll be sure to get ourselves tested, just in case.
I hope both you and Maria feel better and make a speedy recovery! Take care and rest☺️