9 August

The Moses Farm Market Gang. Emma, Marie, Zoe. Smiles And Smiles, Even In 106 Degrees.

by Jon Katz

I’ve started a new blog label for my photography: People I Like.

I think a significant contribution of my photography – as I have learned from the flower photos – is that the right images can uplift people, brighten their spirits, and remind them of the beauty and color in the world.

My photography has unlocked closed and buried parts of my psyche and opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and the goodness and love in people.

A good photographer has to look at his or her world, and I follow the mandate of Joseph Campbell: the artist exists to bring the color and light of the world to other human beings.

The flowers are one example. There are others. From my first pictures more than a decade ago, I began to open my eyes to the world and the many good people in it. That process has grown and ripened.

My series on good people, people I like and love, is another mission for me. This was deep in my soul, buried under the cruelties and fear and detritus of life, and photography brought it up and out, and even that took years.

If I take photographs of good people with open hearts, they are often perfect pictures. I think my own uplifted spirit goes into them. And comes back to me, like a battery charging an engine.

I tried this again today at the Moses Farm Market down the road. The women who work there are just the nicest and most helpful people. You can’t watch Emma, Maria, and Zoe at work and not feel good and grateful for the best of humanity.

And once again, I got an image that radiated the good things in people. These women love working together and have come to love each other. I wanted to catch that on my camera. I smile every time I look at it.

Thanks to my new Leica 2, I did get what I hoped for. My camera is a sentient being sometimes, it knows what I want to do, and if it agrees, it does it. It seems to grasp what I want, and if I do my homework, helps me to succeed.

My photography opens up my heart and guides me to people who are good and radiate affection and love.

I go weekly to the Moses Farm Market (yes, run by the descendants of Grandma Moses). Their corn, produce, and vegetables are as good or better than any markets or produce for many miles.

I am always touched by their cheerfulness, no matter the weather or their apparent exhaustion at times. They are never brusque, nasty, or indifferent.

Each one conveys the idea that every customer is welcome, unique, and appreciated. We also laugh together a lot, a precious thing in our time.

Their sweet corn is delicious, as are their peaches, plumbs, melons and vegetables. We eat out of the Moses Farm all summer. I feel like I’m making friends, not just buying sweet corn.

It’s a mystical place of nourishment and good food; no matter how crowded or busy or late or hot it is, there is no such thing as a long wait or an ignored person. And they are always busy.

On the 106-degree day, I asked them how they were doing, and they all said it was hot as hell, but they were fine. And they were.

The Moses staff is also unique. I saw them in 106-degree temperature this weekend; it was almost too hot to breathe. They never stop smiling or trying to be helpful. I also notice how well they work together and seem to love one another.

Today, they asked to see my flower pictures as I bought some corn and peaches, and they all gathered to ooh and aah over them. A lot of my plants come from Moses.

I asked Emma, Maria, and Zoe if they would agree to group photography, and they all said they’d love it.

My theory is that when I take photos of people I like or love, they are always good photographs because those images convey happiness, hope, and affection that we all need and want in our lives.

I thank them for the help they offer me, the praise they have given me, and the flawless service and attention they pay to me.


  1. Thank you Jon! I am blessed with an amazing crew! We are a family, whether a current employee or one from years ago, there is a special bond, and I’m very proud of each and every one. Some of our crew are 2nd generation, with a mom or dad who worked here years ago. Makes me feel old, but love and know I can’t go wrong with Moses family. We’re all missing Rich who loved his farm and family, but know he’s keeping a watchful eye.

    1. Thanks, Kathy, you and Rich did an excellent job, the Moses Market is unique, and I would hate to think of life without it. It is a joy to stop there and nourishing as well. I also love the flowers I bought there. Congratulations. You prove that work can be fun and meaningful, not just dreary and isolating. Family is the right word.

      1. Proud to be a member of The Moses crew! Past and now, again. You are correct great group of friends. A fun place to work and enjoy people! Great photo.

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