3 August

Sneak Peak: The New Mansion Amazon Arts And Entertainment Wish List: Help Fill The “Maria Art Cabinet.”

by Jon Katz

I’m happy to report that after a long Covid-inspired delay, we are offering a new, short, inexpensive, and important Amazon Mansion Art And Entertainment Wish List. I planned to post it next week, but I know people who want to participate keep getting shut out; here’s a chance to get your donation in.

The Mansion has a beautiful new activity room, which we are helping to support; it’s bright, cheerful, and very popular. We also need to provide some much-needed stimulation to help make sure the activities match the room.

This is our 22nd Amazon Mansion Wish List, every one a success. It’s the first since the covid crisis.

It’s a great way to help the Mansion residents. You can choose what you want to buy and how much you spend. No middlemen; no money goes anywhere but to Amazon and the sellers. The Mansion gets everything on the list shipped to them right away.

This is an essential list; the Mansion was closed for months and is recovering and rebuilding from the pandemic. It was awful for the residents and staff; I was not permitted in the building until recently. We did everything we could from the outside – masks and disinfectant machines, but couldn’t do much more.

(Note. When you go to checkout on an Amazon Wish List, you usually are offered a “default” address, which is the address of the Wish List creator. It looks like this below, and it should be at the top of the shipping addresses list.

If you don’t see it, the address is Bonnie, The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Thanks)

The Army Of Good is springing into action, helping the refugees from Bishop Maginn (now Bishop Gibbons)  and hopefully the Mansion residents. There are 23 items on the Wish List; they range in price from $7 to $49.95.

The shortlist includes popular movies and urgently needed art supplies; we want to fill what the residents call “Maria’s Art Cabinet” because the supplies she uses for her art classes (and all art classes) come from there.

Art and movie-watching are the two most popular activities at the Mansion; they are critical for morale, stimulation, and community.

The residents gather to watch movies every evening and need some new ones.

The art supplies will offer exciting new and popular craft opportunities, from body sculpting to tie-dye shirt making to desk organizers and pen holders, marker opens, and sand art kits.

The new Mansion activity staff is working hard to provide the most contemporary and proven art tasks and the most popular movies.

I hope we can support them. Six items were already purchased in the minutes since I first wrote this post and are on the way. Thanks so much. You can see the list here.


  1. Hey Jon – I’m on the Mansion amazon wish list. I had the address previously but for some reason it’s not showing or letting me pull the Mansion Addy this time for the order… Can I trouble you to email or post the address? (I should have written it down & I will now so I have it in case Amazon doesn’t hold it for me in the future! Many thanks, Faye

    1. Faye, Amazon doesn’t show wish list addresses; if you go to the checkout, there’s an option for “Bonnie, THe Mansion..” if you need the address, it’s ‘s the Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y, 12816 and thanks much..

  2. Hey Jon. your flowers are beautiful, thanks. Can you please post the Mansion address again? It’s not coming up when I try to purchase from the gift list. Thanks so much. Becky W

    1. Thanks Becky, Amazon doesn’t post the home address, you just have to choose “Bonnie, THe Mansion’ at the checkout…the address, if you need it is The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816 I’ve bought several things with no trouble..

      1. As Faye said it’s not showing up when we go to check out. Probably our computers but I’ve now saved it in my mailing list so it shouldn’t be a problem again. Thanks for your help. Becky

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