3 August

Photo Journal, August 3, 2022: Flowers In The Sun. Running Around Like A Maniac. Ending The Day With Flowers

by Jon Katz

We got up especially early today so Maria could drive me into Bennington to leave my car for service. Before I left, I went outside with my new sun hat (the sun is blinding in the morning) and took some photos.

Today was a crazy day. After getting home, I went to the Mansion to run my meditation class; I’ll write about it tomorrow; I just didn’t have time today.

Maria and I went back to the Mansion to help them launch the new Amazon Mansion Art And Entertainment Wish List.

The new activity team is not too tech-savvy, we helped them get it up and running. It’s a good one, an inexpensive one, a short one. It’s important. Please help out if you can.

Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 100 degrees here, but we’re going to Bishop Gibbons. Sue Silverstein has been unpacking art supplies all week, and English Department Head Trish White is about to get 20 cartons of books for the library re-plenishing.

I must decide if I want to teach a writing or blogging class.


I wish I had the time or energy to put up all the nice photos I took today, but I’ve been writing for hours and need to eat and then sleep.

After Bishop Gibbons, Maria, and I are heading to the Apple Store in Albany, Maria has some issues with her Iphone to take care of. It’s a critical work tool for her.


I waylaid myself, I’ve been mulling a piece about Todd Harrington, my car service manager, and it just came pouring out today. The spirits took me over. More later.



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