3 August

One Man’s Truth: The Very Important Meaning Of Kansas

by Jon Katz

The overwhelming vote to protect abortion rights in one of the reddest states in America yesterday is important, not only for the rights of women to control their own health and bodies but for its great implications for the future of our democracy.

Our freedoms are now under attack by a major political party and a horror show of traitors, insurrectionists,  sexual predators, perjurers, corporate lunatics, election deniers, liars, extremists, ideological judges, homophobes, and white Christian nationalists.

The people of Kansas said “enough.” Just wait until the rest of the people get to vote.

These distasteful and bigoted people have always existed in America, but they never dared to come out of their bunkers so brazenly until recently. We have a President to thank for that.

Just look at the genies and demons Donald Trump let out of their bottles and caves. And for this, he is still loved and revered. But not for long. His time is up.

These people will lose their fight to topple our democracy; they grossly misread the mood and template of average America.

Kansas is about as conservative and middle-class state as exists in our union; Republicans, independents, women, democrats, and older people all joined together Tuesday to say 59 to 41 percent that the Republicans have gone too far, that they do not believe white Christian extremists should get to ram their beliefs down the throats of women.

The Kansas vote is one of the first times Americans have had a chance to vote on the many efforts to undermine and choke off our system of government. The media rarely talk to ordinary people; they believe that to be too boring.

They are always obsessed with the extremes, and since they no longer leave their computers, they are always stunned by what Americans really like and think.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, who represents just about no one in America, gets attention whenever she opens her mouth; every significant media organization in America promised that Kansas’s people were evenly divided on the abortion referendum and that the effort to save abortion rights in that state would likely fail.

“The decisive margin was a surprise,” said the New York Times sheepishly this morning. It was a big surprise to them. It was not a big surprise for me or people living outside New York, Los Angeles, or Boston.

Americans are not extremists.

They are not cruel enough to force 10-year-old victims of rape to give birth to their rapist’s children. They are not cruel enough to permit pregnant women and mothers to die untreated because doctors no longer have the right to save their lives in childbirth gone horribly wrong.

And they have the gall to call this a pro-rights movement.

It’s a wild but fascinating time to be an American. My work with the Army Of Good since 2016 has affirmed my belief that Americans are fair and generous people who want to do good when given a chance.

Yesterday, they got a political chance, and the implications for political extremists are severe. Trumpism is here, and it is real and strong. It is also doomed.

There are not enough of them. There have never been enough of them, something our media refuses to grasp. Trump is all fake news and nonsense; there is nothing behind it but hate and gullible and needy people.

His future is that of a bit hot air balloon, soon to get a hole in the cloth.

This movement does not represent America, and Americans will not stand to have their democracy soiled, exploited, mutilated, and eroded. I always felt that, but I am much more confident this morning.

I feel good about America this morning; I hope other people do too. The people of the country deserve a break, and they deserve some trust and credit. Democracy is not perfect; it is just the best available option if you look at the world.

There are plenty of fights, grievances, and worries ahead, but the heart and soul of our country just revealed itself this morning when the chips were down.

I love my country, and I have great hopes for the rebirth and renewal of its actual values. That will be a beautiful thing to see.



    1. I’m glad she got the chance to decide..how about you? Would you prefer some old white men told her she had no choice?

  1. Republican or Democrat – women don’t want to go back to the dark ages where women died or were mangled in back room abortions. For most women abortion is a last resort. Some women just can’t afford a child, some women were raped, some are the victims of incest, some will die without an abortion. Yes, people should be responsible for obtaining and using birth control. But even that has come under fire again. Without birth control we will without a doubt tie women to the stove. Barefoot and pregnant is more true than we think.

  2. A beautifully written essay. I will admit I had doubts but too was heartened by the Kansas vote. People will vote to affirm their rights given the chance. Just waiting to hear Orange man say the election was rigged!!!!!

  3. Thanks so much for this post. Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive in our current climate. I think you hit the nail on the head with this.

  4. You brought up a real point in my mind that I hadn’t thought of before. Why aren’t “We the People” making decisions about abortion. We are letting someone else make that decision for us. Thank you for your insight.

  5. The tension lifted from my shoulders today.
    Plus the sweet revenge.

    What do we do to sustain this thru November?

    Btw if wrpte about tough guy Josh Chick Hawley’s running, can you post the date?

  6. These voting results certainly uplifted me, and I’m hoping similar results will spread all over this country of ours. These midterms are critical if we are to save women’s rights…and the rights of many. I’m glad to see so many here echoing the same feelings.

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