2 August

The Smallest Flowers Take The Most Beautiful Pictures: Let My Blog Be Your Color And Light This Hot And Troubling Summer

by Jon Katz

Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.” – Rainer Maria Rilke.

I thought of writing this last night when I woke up: “Let my blog be your color and light during this hot, angry, and sometimes frightening summer.” So I did.

The world seems on edge at times, hot, burning, and full of anger and violence. I am surprised to see the impact color has had on my life and the impact my flower pictures have had on the blog readers.

This week, I’ve been compared to John Singer Sargent and Georgia O’Keeffe and get messages daily from people telling me how much these photos mean to them and pleading with me to keep taking them. And I will, at least as long as my flowers last.

It’s not going to my head, I am no John Singer Sargent or Georgia O’Keeffe. But it does go to my heart and makes the photographs worth working hard at.

I’ve gotten some new ones to get me to Fall and some tiny ones that catch my eye and surprise me with their beauty and form.

Today’s photos are devoted to them.

It’s all about color and light for me.

I want to make the blog a place where people can find color and light when needed because color is the smile of nature.

It lifts the world and gives the spirit hope.

What a beautiful bit of good it would be if I could offer that through this summer of unease, discontent, fires, drought, war, hatred, and division. It is something I can do and something I want to do.

So if you need it or want it, it will be here. And if you have a better place to go, I understand, and thank you for stopping by.


This photo is the size of my thumb but already has spirit and form and no small amount of beauty. I don’t know what it is, but I will find out. I know I need to find a center inside of me and let me be that grounding and even space. The flowers certainly help.


I went to oversee the new Mansion Men’s  Group today, and it was complex and moving, and essential. Three or four men showed up, we had a good and honest talk, and they opened their hearts to me. I will write about it later tonight or in the morning and continue working with the group as long as one man wants to come.


This small flower had so much heart and feeling that I couldn’t tell if this was a heart or an eye. Either way, it was beautiful to see.

This flower looked like a miniature rose to me; I don’t recall seeing these buds before on a flower. Perhaps someone in the Gardeners Of Good will help me out.


I thought this photo looked like a neon light when I saw it through the viewfinder. I got a photographer’s sun hat because looking at the flowers with the sun behind it was blinding me.



This color popped out at me. These flowers are so small and young but looked at through the viewfinder; they have enormous character. I hear voices from them in the night.


I don’t know what this one is either.

I like the idea of my blog being a haven, a safe place, a source of color and light to help people navigate their fears and worries and the hatred that sometimes swirls around us.

Color has done so much for me; it has always been a beacon in the dark, a tonic for dark spirits and fear. Paint has always lifted me, and I see in these flowers that it does the same for other people. I’m into it; I’ll keep going until I can’t go anymore. And thanks for the beautiful good words.

We’ve come to a beautiful place.

Life is a painting, and you are the artist. You have on your palette all the colors in the spectrum – the same ones available to Michaelangelo and DaVinci. – Paul J. Meyer


  1. I love the flower photos! They are absolutely gorgeous. I can’t wait until Fall to see what you might do photographing the colorful leaves. I remember years ago when I was hospitalized for a long illness during the Fall. My Dad brought in a bouquet of branches of Fall leaves for me. He probably felt odd in the elevator carrying these but I remember it to this day.

  2. ooohhh……….the cream/white flower with the yellowish and greenish *pods* inside…..is spectacular. Have no idea what flower that is…………..but it is gorgeous and you captured it so beautifully! Loving your “color and light” !
    Susan M

  3. Have you ever tried coleus? The foliage is beautiful, but not the blooms which need to be deadheaded.

  4. Jon, the Freedom bouquet was my favorite. They are all beautiful. What a beautiful comment about the Fall leaves.
    Do the donkeys and sheep like pumpkins?

  5. Just gorgeous, Jon! The colours are amazing.

    To help identify almost anything from a photo, try downloading the Google Lens app. It will search the item in your photo and suggest possible identify matches. Very useful.

  6. Thank you for the joy your flowers bring to my spirit! You are both an artist and an amazing writer! Blessings to you Jon!

  7. The white flower- those are the stamens or perhaps they are the actual flowers (can’t tell, too close of a picture) just like zinnias, the actual flower are in the middle, the colorful petals are bracts and used to attract pollinators. Many flowers are like this; what we think of as the flower, is not.

  8. It’s not just the colours, though they are incredible, it’s also the shapes of the petals and pistils and pollen…the fragility of a flower makes them special. My mum would have loved your gardens. So do I.

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