23 July

A New Addition To My Garden: Bought, Not Planted New Flowers. Three Lisianthus Plants

by Jon Katz

One of my small garden beds – the one I hoped would grow poppies and primrose seeds – is failing, the only one. This morning, Maria and I got up early to go to the Moses (as in Grandma) farm stand for corn and fruit, and I saw three beautiful plants and decided to buy all three and re-imagine my garden bed.

I dug out the primrose and poppy seeds and dug in one Lisianthus plant – they are quite beautiful – and went back for the other two. I plan to grow flowers all summer, hoping to do it with my seeds and bulbs and planting. I dropped that conceit and will fill in any holes in my garden with annual plants.

(One of my new Lisianthus flowers. Another, down below.)

The Lisianthus plants are as beautiful as anything I’ve seen in my garden. I braved swarms of bugs to get them watered and into the bed. It’s going to be another heat alert tomorrow. We are going to the movies to see the new film “Nope.”

Onward. At first, I thought they might be roses (that’s what a plant app told me), and I was quickly corrected by a friend, a garden reader, and then a tag I found at the bottom of the pot. Lisianthus it is.



  1. gorgeous photos of the Lisianthus. It *does* resemble a rose….in a soft and gentle way. We can’t grow them here……but on very rare occaision I may find a small bouquet of them at local farmers market. Lovely flowers. And also…your squash pancake looks like a winner…..with perhaps some *tweaking* for binding. Unless it is 100 here (rare, but it does happen) we also cook…… it is our nightly ritual as well.
    Susan M

  2. We grow lisianthus every summer, we see it referred to as a summer annual rose … I have it in pink, purple, and deep rose colors ! Beautiful bloomer for your camera !

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