19 July

Flo Sits Up. She Still Gets Up To Eat

by Jon Katz

I haven’t seen Flo standing in a while, but she stood up for me when I came out this morning.

Maria says she does get up for food in the morning and evening, although she is getting increasingly picky about what she will eat.

In the heat, she and Minnie stays close but not as curled up in one another. It’s good to see Flo standing up. We spent some time together.


  1. Just a suggestion: Gerber’s baby food (chicken and beef flavors) is basically pureed meat, and a lot of cats will lick it (off your finger or a spoon) when they will not eat much else. I use it to wean kittens and to tempt sick, semi-feral, or dying cats to eat. I have been following the saga of Flo with much interest, and I know you and Maria are taking good care of her and Minnie.

  2. Yes! The chicken or beef baby food has worked both for my older cat and dog.
    Vet recommended and most appreciated by the owner as well as the animals!
    All the best 🙂

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