13 July

After The Dentist: Three Colors From My Garden. Healing Powers, By Popular Demand

by Jon Katz

I’m awash in requests for more garden photos, and I am humbled and flattered. I aim to please, contrary to those who consider me a meanie or worse. I admit to being used to being a controversial figure. I seem to have a gift for provoking some people; a twisted part of me is drawn to it.

I think there’s a schizophrenic part of me that loves poking nasty people and bullies and that also loves pleasing people who love colors and light and flowers.

People who love flowers always seem nice to me.

They seem to have had mothers and fathers who taught them manners, or is that just my imagination? Thanks to my garden, I’m making a lot of friends.

The first photo above is of a new gladiola.

(New Zinnia flower)

I’m weary of fighting for my identity; it’s getting boring and unnecessary at my age. I’d rather just be myself and take the consequences.

I could take photos of flowers all day long.

I’m finding my authentic self and enjoying it. It feels healthy and uplifting.  I had a few hours at the dentist this morning, and I want to write about Dr. Merryman shortly.

But when I got home, I went straight for my garden bed and pulled out the Leica 2 and my Iphone and was rewarded for my trouble.

(Orange poppy in the noonday sun.)

Here are three of the photos I took, full of color and light. Thanks for your many very kind comments about my photography, it swells me up like a balloon and keeps me excited and working hard.

Many more to come. The season is young.


  1. “I’d rather just be myself and take the consequences.” Thank you, Jon. I needed to hear this today.

  2. Jon, I love that you get so much pleasure from your flowers. It’s really something to have planted them, and watched them grow. It just feels so good. I talk to mine – and tell them how happy they make me, the bees and others. Sounds silly but I think they like it. Outside is my church.

    1. Thanks Karla, I’m talking to mine also..it felt strange at first, but now it feels normal.. I appreciate the message.

  3. I love all of your flowers! My zinnias are starting to bud and I am anxious to see what colors will brighten the garden! I am hoping that the candy stripe zinnia seeds took and we have two toned flowers too! Thank you for sharing all of the color and light on your beautiful farm!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! I just cut two gladiolas this morning from my garden, they were yellow. I have never grown poppies, but your great picture encourages me to try. Thank you so very much for sharing!

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