12 July

The Happy Return Of The Amish To Bedlam Farm: Wool Skirting Day. Lulu Is Flirting Shamelessly With Tony,

by Jon Katz

It brought back a host of sweet memories.

A horse and buggy pulled into the yard. Bud went crazy trying to run off Tony the horse (no luck), and Zinnia came out with her tail wagging, delighted to meet a new friend, and Lulu, the serious one, fell instantly in love and started flirting with Tony, almost nose to nose at times.

It was nice to see Barbara and Fanny return to help Maria skirt (clean) our sheared wool; we have to take it to the knitting mill in a week or so. I went off to get some snacks for the girls – they love gross potato chips and root beer this year.

Maria has a table out in front of the barn, and they work quickly and efficiently, one bag of wool at a time, Maria on one side, Fanny and Barbara on the other.

Moise doesn’t want us to pay for the skirting work in exchange for helping make his “Farm Stand” signs, but we will insist. The girls are having fun, and so is Maria.

(The Snacks during a break.)

This will take several hours, and I can hear them laughing and talking while I work in my office. It’s nice to have them back and good to have a horse in the yard again. I beat Fanny in a thumb wrestling match the second day in a row. But she is very strong.

Fanny said she just finished the books I gave her last Autumn, I ordered two more series for her from the same author. It’s good to hear she liked the books and wants some more.

Tony is cool about things, but Lulu is sending signals; she’s not so standoffish today.


      1. Ah and calm too. Are the Amish horses you have been ariund the same?
        It is also wonderful that Maria has this help from the to ladies

        1. Dawn, they are almost all the same; they are well trained, well fed and unflappable…Nothing seems to rattle them..I have to say the kids are the same way…

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