12 July

Color And Light, July 12, 2022. Welcome To The World, Gladiolas, Poppies, Zinnias

by Jon Katz

I had some sweet surprises awaiting me in my garden bed this morning; this is the best way to get up.

I’m heading to the Mansion shortly to run my meditation class and to schedule another Men’s Club meeting. I’m more excited than ever about it.

I’m reading from Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen for the meditation class and then guiding a ten-minute meditation.

Tomorrow four hours of surgery are scheduled for my teeth.  I guess surgery is the only word for it.

I guess I won’t be feeling much in the morning, or having lunch out.


The gladiolas have surprised and excited me. Such a beautiful flower. About five others are opening up.


I love the colors of the poppies. They are graceful, transparent flowers with gorgeous and deep colors.


The Zinnias are popping up everywhere; they have great color and character.


  1. Horses, donkeys and a red barn…love that photo…I could look at it all day long! Good luck today and tomorrow!

  2. Thank you, Jon -I am loving your flower posts. T’would be so lovely if we could also smell these delightful beings. ❤️

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