12 July

All Done, More Wood On The Way. Thanks, Maria

by Jon Katz

Above is two cords of firewood neatly stacked in the woodshed, in position to dry off for the winter. Below is the wood yesterday just before Maria went to bed.

She finished stacking the wood (all by herself) just after dinner tonight.

I asked her how long she wanted me to wait to order the final two cords we need for the winter (thank God we got the polar panels), and she said, “don’t wait; call Ed and order two more cords for next week.”

Done. I sure married well, and I appreciate it. It will be nice to have all the wood we need for next winter stacked and sorted by the end of July.

Next up, 70 bales of hay, plus 10 bales of the second cut for cold days and nights. Early reports are that the hay is tall and good, the best in years.


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