11 July

The Woodstacker: One Cord To Go (Yes, She Is Wearing Shoes). And No, She Doesn’t Get Tired.

by Jon Katz

Yes, she does wear shoes while she stacks wood (a lot of people asked). She goes out every evening for relaxation and meditation and tosses a cord of wood or two around and piles it up in the woodshed.

She loves it and refuses to let me hire anyone else to help. She is my Willa Cather Girl. Day by day, the pile of wood grows smaller and smaller. By next weekend, it will all be done.

The thing that really puzzles me is that she never seems to get tired.


  1. I stack my wood differently each year, trying to get it right! One year I stacked it the Norwegian Circle method, that was pretty cool, another year all the same direction and then other years, cross hatched. Can’t wait to see the results of the horizontal stack! Good for Maria never getting tired stacking wood-it has the opposite effect on me!!

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