11 July

The Mansion: Zinnia At Work. She’s A Rock Star There

by Jon Katz

Zinnia went to work today, this time at the Mansion, where she has spent a lot of time in her life. She knows which rooms to visit, which to avoid, and where the cat’s food is put down.

On the way to our men’s group, we passed the two Helens, friends who often sit together in the hallway and watch the people go by.

Both are lifelong dog lovers, and Zinnia loves them as well. With permission, she jumps up on the sofa and takes turns loving and lifting the spirits of the Helens.

This is very gratifying work, and she is a natural for it.

It means so much to the residents of the Mansion to hold a dog like Zinnia and give her a great big beautiful hug.


  1. I see they’re all breaking the “one person per couch” rule and are caught doing it live and in color!

  2. In a Gawande book, each resident gets a pet they keep and care for. It is very effective in diminishing sadness and loneliness.

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