11 July

My Life, July 11, 2022: The Garden Sings To Me Now: Baby Gladiolas, Newborn Zinnias, Bees In The Bird Bath

by Jon Katz

Only my Leica 2 could capture the softness and the beauty of our new gladiola flower, coming to life as we speak. What a flower.

I can’t quite describe the joy I feel when Zinnia and I go out in the morning, I’m not sure what to expect. I’m getting sure. My garden sings to me every morning and offers me the most beautiful surprises.

If there is a God, they are in the garden waiting for me.

Today is a big day for me. I have to go food shopping, I’m going to the gym, and I’ll try to get the Mansion Men’s Group together this afternoon. I’m bringing everyone who comes a $10 gift certificate from Stewart’s, our local coffee and convenience shop.

And I’ve got a lot of writing to do, getting backlogged with ideas I don’t have time to write. Thanks for all your input, comments, thoughtful disagreements, and support. It is so much appreciated.

I have too many Zinnias in the garden

and too many different kinds of flowers. I’m donating three or four of my Zinnia plants to Maria’s garden, which is now wrapped around our blue birth bath.

A blue bird bath is a place for light and shadows, with flowers and plants around it.

I’ve never seen a bird in it; too many cats around. But the bees and the wasps stop by and drink from it all the time. They are fascinating to watch.


  1. your photography gets better all the time… the Lecia is wonderful for your flower photos. my canon camera does not do well with yellow flowers and i shoot raw format. your yellow flowers are outstanding. i have been following your site for years.

  2. Suggested name for the men’s group: The 3M Group: (Mansion’s Men Muses). Know it will be a great success!!

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