11 July

Getting The Dog We Need: Fate And Maria, Me And Zinnia

by Jon Katz

At the moment, we both have the dogs we need, dogs that fit perfectly and lovingly into our lives. Fate is Maria’s dog now; they have so much in common. Fate seems to understand work, as good working dogs do.

She has never worked on a quilt or artwork, even though Maria often has them lying flat on the floor. Zinnia has never barked or winded or disturbed me while I’m writing or thinking or meditating.

Fate never bothers Maria while working, she loves the outdoors as Maria does, and has this ferocious kinetic energy, just like her human. On their many walks, Fate stays close, she has never run off or given Maria cause for alarm.

In the same way, Zinnia is the dog I very much need and want in my life now. She also respects my work. She accompanies me everywhere, to the post office, to the Mansion, to Bishop Maginn High School, on my walks to the mailbox, my trips to the garden beds.

When the computer goes on and I am in my office, she is invisible, quiet, always near me but never intruding, barking, or distracting me.

She goes everywhere I go comfortably and has absorbed the therapy work beautifully and perfectly. She knows what I want before I do and reads my moods like Fate reads Maria’s.

Bud is not a one-person dog; he is a family dog, guarding the house and the property and loving whoever is feeding or snuggling up with him, which he loves.

He turns out to be a wonderfully affectionate and easy-going dog, at least in the house. He is a family dog. God help any small creature wandering into his territory outside.

Fate and Zinnia are both pacifists. Neither one is capable of harming another creature.

I love watching Fate with Maria, as I love being with Zinnia.

When it matches up so closely like this, it is a beautiful, healing, and affirming experience. I’ve always believed that we get the dog we need because that is the real work of dogs – giving us things we need.

Our love of dogs infuses our lives, our home, and our work. They contribute so much.


  1. I believe in what you say. Although I always have Goldens, each has had a slightly different personality that fits the period of life I am in.
    On an unrelated topic, I have loved your writing about working border collies. I got to go to my first ever sheep dog trial in North Granville, NY this weekend. Fascinating!

  2. Jon, As always you capture this beautifully. We do get the dog we need. LOVE the picture of Maria and Fate. This is the perfect visual to demonstrate this process.

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