30 June

Portrait. Staying Cool: Asher In The Pole Barn

by Jon Katz

In mid-day, the sheep and donkeys chew their cuds in the Pole Barn. It’s their safe and comfortable place.


  1. John, I have always wondered about the tags in ears. Why is it needed? Do sheep get them at birth? I’m interested in all you can tell about it. (I see them in cows’ ears that are in the meat and dairy industry)

    1. It’s a health precaution so if an animal gets sick, we can know where he or she came from and alert the previous owners and stop the spread of disease…

  2. I love the grays and browns and charcoal colors in this portrait… I remember reading – as a child in grade school – That when “Blue Boy” was painted, Gainsborough did it on a bet… he bet someone that he could paint a “mono” tone painting in blue and make it wonderful…. So, i have been enchanted with “mono” tones since then.

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