28 June

Good Lord. ANOTHER Small Garden Bed! My Garden Grows… Stop Me…

by Jon Katz

I went to John  Rieger’s Country Power center to pick up some bouquets. I bought one for Maria, one for Barbara Miller, our Amish neighbor, and one for a friend who needs cheering. Because of Joh, I never need to set food in Tractor Supply again.

That place is spooky prominent, and quiet. John’s place is cluttered and real and full of f gardeners, animal lovers, farmers, nice people, and everything I could possibly need on a farm.

I came home today with a new plant (I don’t know the name yet – Scutellaria?), a small garden bed, and some soil. And three beautiful bouquets. I’m a big bouquet-giving freak, everyone I know will get one over the summer, and some will get one every week. They brighten lives, literally, a way of doing good in small ways.

I found a good spot for this one and seeded it with wildflowers; this will be a wildflower garden bed.

I’m not sure how this came about, but I blame John, a local legend and the founder and owner of Country Power, and my friend with whom I was yakking for an hour or so. We have become close and fast friends; he is my brother from a different mother. And like my friend Moise, unlike any friend I’ve ever had.

Maybe that’s the ticket for me and friendship – they need to be different than me.

The place gets to me and stirs up my love of gardening, nature, and the farming world. People like John are the reason I came here and one of the reasons I love being here. And these small beds are perfect for me.

There was no one like John in my former life. He is one of those blessings, gifts that brighten my life.

I’ve got enough garden beds now, and I need to be still and wait for these beautiful and diverse flowers to bloom. Patience!

My first bouquets of 2022, all done by Heidi at Country Products. She does the most beautiful work.

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