17 June

Feeding Time. They Used To Ring A Bell

by Jon Katz

There’s a big bell on the farmhouse roof that they used to ring when it was feeding time for people or animals. We don’t need a bell like that; the whole farm breaks out in song and sound. First, the donkeys start braying; then, the sheep join in with their baaahing. Then the chickens head for the back door for Maria to come out, and the cats gather to stare at the door along with them.

I’m not sure how they know when it’s time to eat; I know dogs learn from the sun and the light. Perhaps the other animals do the same thing. I do know they are a reliable alarm clock. We have never forgotten to feed them at the right time.

Sometimes this goes on for an hour before it it is feeding time. All we need to do is look out a kitchen window to know it’s time to feed the animals.


  1. At the Giants stadium in San Francisco, the Seagulls arrive an inning or so before the game ends to clean up the leftover popcorn, hot dogs, …They know when to circle even when the game goes into overtime. It was fun to watch when I went to the baseball game a few weeks ago. I can only imagine how the rats were waiting in anticipation, lol.

  2. My dog Laika knows EXACTLY when it’s 6:00, time for dinner. Although, she sometimes tries to round us up a little bit sooner, forgetting that we can check the clock.

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