16 June

Return To The Kitchen: Scallops, Bulgar Wheat, Veggie Stir-Fry! Eating Well Again

by Jon Katz

After a 12-day absence, I returned to the kitchen tonight to make a Scallops and Bulgar Wheat Vegetable Stir Fry. It felt great to be cooking again, and even better to be eating something other than rice and soup and dry toast.

I’m right back on our new diet, and I got a pound of fresh scallops today, cooked up two cups of Bulgar wheat, and mixed in a pound or so of chopped and mixed vegetables. Maria said it was a great meal. It tasted wonderful. I’m getting better by the day.


  1. Such a yummy looking plate of food. I’ve had cravings lately for scallops, but the price of them has been prohibitive in our area. Now, I think I’m ready for a splurge. 🙂

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