15 June

At Bishop Maginn, Mothers Cried, Tuitions Were Saved. We Got $40,000 For Bishop Gibbons. Everybody (EVERYBODY!) Who Wants To Go Will Go.

by Jon Katz

Bishop Maginn and Sue Silverstein hosted an open house for the parents and families of the refugee children who hope to go to Bishop Gibbon, the Catholic school in  Schenectady where Sue Silverstein and the refugee program (and me) are moving in September.

She had great news to break to the worried families.

Principal Kiante Jones of Bishop Gibbons (I was hoping to today but I wasn’t quite ready) came to meet the parents. While he was there, Sue broke the news that Kathleen, a member of the Army of Good and a reader of the blog, and a good friend, was donating $40,000 to Bishop Gibbons exclusively for refugee tuition.

Jones told the families that with this donation, every single refugee child who wanted to go to Bishop Gibbons (looks like all of them) can now go. Sue said the families were overwhelmed with joy.

Jones said he’d never had any kind of support like this, he said he was in awe of people who want to help and do. Bishop Maginn is what is known as a “welcoming” school, its student body is 90 per refugee and inner-city students.

“I am so glad I made the choice to go there,” said Sue. It is perfect for her, and for me and Maria also.

Sue wrote me to say that many mothers were in tears at the tuition news, “they know that their children will be loved and are going to be okay.” And they will.

Like Sue, I was called to this work, and grateful always for the people who make it possible. None of this would be happening without you.

I’m going to meet with Principal Jones in the next week or so. I hear nothing but wonderful things about him and am on fire to go see him and the school. Thanks, Sue, for keeping me posted.


  1. Shakespeare had it backwards in Julius Caesar when he had Marc Antony say “The evil men do lives after them. The good they do is oft interred with their bones.” The good you are doing for these children will live long after you, in these children, and their children’s children, and so on and so on and so on…. It’s quite a legacy.

    1. And thank heaven for Jon Katz, without whom there would not be an Army of Good. Another lasting legacy.

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