1 June

Bulletin! Maria Has A Ponytail. Photos From Yesterday

by Jon Katz

Big news at Bedlam Farm. Last night, I saw Maria heading out to her studio and I thought I saw a ponytail. I’ve never seen a ponytail on Maria, not once in the 12 years we’ve known one another.

“Is that a ponytail?” I asked. She blushed, shied away, and then said yes, it was. Her hair, she said, was never long enough for a ponytail, but suddenly it was.

She was ecstatic, wore it all night. I asked if I could take a picture of it in the studio, she said sure.

It’s gone this morning, I liked it. It was a big deal to her.

Other pictures from yesterday that I liked:

I loved this shot of Zinnia peering out from under the corsage table at Bishop Maginn High School.

She’d pick up all the food crumbs, the hidden treats got all of her hugs and scratches, and was looking for more work. She found it. Zinnia loves her life.

The chickens were standing by for their late afternoon treat. Yesterday, it was a bag of potato chips, which we don’t eat. They loved it.

The light was off and the photo was a little fuzzy. I had just brought Zinnia in from ball tossing, and she was panting on the floor. I love all the colors and shapes in our kitchen.

This morning, I’m heading to the Mansion for a meditation and prayer class, one of my favorite things. I’m going to talk to them about friendship, as well as other things.



  1. I remember my first ponytail. It was special.
    Love the bright colors of the kitchen and all the rich textures.

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