31 May

Windowsill Gallery. Heat, Light And Color

by Jon Katz

The photo above is of our living room windowsill in late afternoon.

The curtains are closed to keep the heat out and block the intense afternoon sun and the move in the breeze.

When it opened in the wind, one of the three plants was exposed to light and darkness. For me, a tricky picture.

That’s what I wanted to capture, that feeling of summer, heat, color and light.

I’m beginning to learn what my LeicaQ2 camera can do. The color, softness, depth, and feeling is something I’ve never been able to achieve before.

I am blessed to have three cameras with solid capabilities and styles: the versatile and dependable Iphone 13, which is also great for landscapes and color; the Q2 Monochrome, my portrait and soul camera; and the Q2, which seems to combine the best of digital and film photography.

That is some glass they have in that camera.

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