28 May

Photo Journal, May 28, 2022, My Life: A Cloud Riot Today, Lots Of Planting, A New Dog Groomer, Reading, Trimming Donkey Hooves.

by Jon Katz

I was chasing clouds all day; I saw some of the most beautiful clouds I have yet seen as a wild weather system blew and poured and melted away, lighting up the sky and blowing my mind. Today, most photos are devoted to those clouds, each more beautiful than the others: some angry, some defiant, some holy dances of angels.


This was wild weather. The forecasts called for high winds, severe storms, heavy hail, and more rain. Little of this happened, but the sky and the clouds told the story: it was wild up there, conventions, wind shears, lots of heat, and cold. The clouds were going mad, but when shadows go mad, it is often breathtakingly beautiful. I’m learning a lot, but I couldn’t follow it all today.

I could take many photos and am eager to share a few.

I found a dog groomer today (the last one fired me for forgetting appointments); this one is right down the road and has a great name: Ruff Around The Edges. Me too.

I had a great conversation with Kylie, and I have an appointment for Zinnia in two weeks. Kylie is starting a new grooming business and can only see and contain one dog at a time.

She opened the business in February and just put signup. I didn’t know she was there.

She sounded great. I love helping enterprising people start their businesses. And Zinnia needs a bath, grooming, and her toenails clipped. A pedicure, if you will, only fitting for a prom Queen.

Maria and I had a lovely day, gardening, trimming the donkey’s hooves with Matt Ross, reading, resting, planting, getting some food for the weekend, finding a place with sugar-free ice cream for me, and going there. This was fun.

I’m organizing and loving the cloud photos and putting up six of them tonight. We saw some friends last night and will see another one Monday. Otherwise, it’s just us. My daughter Emma is still sick, and we are both disappointed that we couldn’t get together this weekend. I talked to her and Robin today, and we’re planning a July trip.

And I sent her some toys; she asked for some strange new Bakugan figures, I couldn’t figure out what they were, but she loves them.

Maris is wonderfully patient with me. On top of all my other craziness, I’m now spotting unusual clouds in the sky and chasing after them to learn about them, predict the weather and get a photo. It is great fun for me, and she is happy sketching while I’m running around and yelling at me to watch traffic.

Today was a festival for cloud lovers. Every time I looked up, there was a different sky, each more beautiful than the other.



We’re planning a quiet day tomorrow. We were all charged this week, and I want to settle. I’m reading a new All Cleeves mystery; she is about as good as puzzles.

I also need to get to the gym, tend to my garden beds, take photos, blog, and bring some shorts to the Mansion for William. I’m also bringing some toothpaste and toiletries a friend donated for the Mansion residents.

They might need some more topsoil for their new garden beds.

Just another day. On Tuesday, Zinnia and I are heading to Bishop Maginn High School to boost morale, which has been low since the Texas shootings. Sue Silverstein is planning a Tie Dye day.

I’ll also meet with the Prom Committee and report on their plans, which they are wildly excited about. More tomorrow.

A peaceful and meaningful holiday to you all. I’ll be writing.


  1. Saw five dogs in a photo day. One dog had a toy in it’s mouth. The other dogs seem to be looking at a pig that was close by.
    These dogs were all in your #3 cloud picture.
    They seem to love having their picture taken.
    I loved seeing them. Two looked like dogs from my past.

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