26 May

Weekend Reunion Is Up In The Air. Off To The Mansion

by Jon Katz

My long-delayed pandemic re-union with my daughter and granddaughter may be off. Emma woke up with a fever this morning and thinks we need to re-schedule this weekend.

(Liam, above, has  a new sunning place away from the other sheep.)

If the past few years have taught me nothing, they have taught me patience and perspective. I’ve learned to hone my  Bill Graham lesson – do not ever complain about or speak poorly of my life.

This morning, I am mindful of people suffering far great losses and tragedies than this. I don’t understand a lot of things, but billions of people have it a lot worse than I do. It’s always good to remember that.

For me, these are not platitudes, but guides to life.

Emma is waiting until tomorrow to cancel the trip in case she makes a miraculous recovery – which she might.

I’m urging her to postpone it, she’ll be weak and tired for a while.

But it’s up to her, and she’s wise and sensible, unlike her father. We’ll decide tomorrow.

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