Things were tense in schools all across America today, but especially so in Albany, N.Y., and at Bishop Maginn High School. There was bomb scares at schools all over the area and many were in lockdown all day.
There were no threats at Bishop Maginn but many of the students who had siblings in other schools were frightened and confined, and the school was tense.
This is especially hard on the refugee children, many of who have grown up with violence and know what it means to feel it and experience it. This is what they and their families came to America to escape.
But it’s hard on all the students, it leaves scars on all of them. It is as frightening as it is unfathomable.
The faculty tried to cheer things up at Bishop Maginn, teacher John Hall put on a Griffin costume (the school symbol) this afternoon and the kids were happy to pose. It helped ease a very tense mood.
I called Sue and reminded her that this is what Zinnia has been trained to do, and she jumped at the offer.
I’ve been asked to bring Zinnia to the school next week to try and ease the tension – she is very good at that. The school is closed until next Tuesday, we’ll be there when they open.
(Zinnia getting her belly scratched in a Memory Care unit today)
Zinnia was trained at Bishop Maginn, I had a class of students who worked with me to show her how to be a therapy dog, she practically grew up at the place and the kids know and trust her (they slip her food enough.)
I always know where she is by the smiles that erupt all around her. We’ll go from classroom to classroom and see who needs to hug a dog and smile.