22 May

For Sale, A Mansion Original: “The Odd Duck Finds True Love.”

by Jon Katz

This morning, 25 copies of the new Mansion Art and Writing Class  Book The Odd Duck Finds True Love went on sale for $10 each on Maria’s Etsy Studio Page.

We brought 25 copies of these sweet and original and quite beautiful short storybooks to the Mansion this morning to give to the artists and authors and their families.

This is a warm, lovely, original story about an “Odd Duck” (the residents identify as “odd.”) who leaves home in search of love and finds both adoration and adventure.

It ends very warmly, and yes, oddly. It is about the search for love and place.

It was a bittersweet moment. The project began before the pandemic struck and was concluded this Saturday. Nothing about it was easy.

The book is a fusion of the Mansion writing class, which I have taught this past year or so (I had very little to do with this book), and the wildly popular art class that Maria has been teaching at the Mansion (and also at Bishop Maginn High School.)

We asked to take a photo with the 12 residents who worked on the book, but many are gone – sick, moved to nursing homes, or passed away. We dedicate the book to those who are gone.

Maria and I shot a video this afternoon in which she talks about the book and how it was made. Zinnia stars in a supporting role. The video will be up shortly on fullmoonfiberart.com

This is the reality of working closely with the Mansion residents. There is a lot of loss and sickness. But there is also great joy and satisfaction, I see it as a calling, and it lifts me and Maria too.

So today, 25 copies will go on sale. All proceeds will go to pay for the cost of producing the book –  $219 – and any overage will go to the Mansion Fund for art and other recreational supplies.

Maria and I were both pleased to see Peggy and Claudia and the pride and joy on their faces.  She felt the loss of some of the others.

Each one will get a copy to go to their families—another Joy Strike for the Army of Good. Small acts of great kindness.

Maria did a remarkable job in getting this done, bobbing and weaving around the pandemic. She is a warrior for art.

Thanks also to Staples for helping us get it done. And to the Army of Good for buying out those art supplies wish lists.

They really make a difference.

We have a few copies of the book, I wouldn’t wait too long. You can buy one easily here. Shipping is free.


  1. What a great idea.

    How many pages? copyrighted? isbn’d?

    But I cannot find the book on the Web site you link it to (the “here”).

    1. No, as I said it;s eight pages, no ISNB, just for the residents and their families. The book is not on the Web, Maria offered 25 copies for sale and it sold out immediately. We don’t have the resources to print more. Thanks for caring.

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