11 May

Photo Journal, May 11, My Life: A Celebration Of Spring Right Here, A Soft Meditation On Life

by Jon Katz

I packed up my camera and tripod for a photo drive and didn’t make it past the backyard.

There are no clouds in the sky these days, and Spring is breaking out all over the farm, so I went back into the house, got a bottle of water and a sun hat, and headed out with Zinnia and the camera.

I got into a bad habit years ago, thinking I had to drive around to find beautiful things when they were always right under my nose. Beauty is everywhere if you look for it.

(Maple leaf, front yard)

Yet another lesson in appreciating what is under my nose rather than constantly seeking color and light somewhere else.  The grass isn’t always greener.

I loved this photo round; I found it deeply spiritual, an ode to life, Spring, change, and hope. Thanks to our gardens and bushes and trees for putting up with me, and for Zinnia, as always, at my side.

These are soft photos meant to be peaceful, beautiful, and inspiring. They shaped my day. I only went out twice – to do my workout at the gym, which I had to cut short (I’ll go again tomorrow), and I had to get home to take Maria to pick up her car at her mechanic’s garage so she could get out to belly dancing.

(The cherry blossom tree erupted today.)

I focused on the growth of things in the Spring, something I love to see and wait for all winter in my pictures.

I hung out for hours with a cherry tree, two maple trees and a lilac bush (and lots of bees), and some outraged momma birds sitting on their nests.

After much consultation and hand wringing this weekend, I’m planting some of my flower seeds in the garden bed. I know it’s a bit early, but my plant gurus say it’s safe this year, it’s going to be quite warm the next couple of weeks, and that takes us out of the danger zone, even around here.

(Our lilac trees are vast and old. We believe they were planted in the days after Abraham Lincoln was killed when farmers all over the country planted lilac bushes in his honor and their grief.)

I’m happy to get a jump start on my garden beds; I’ve collected seeds all winter and have way too many. Maria can scarf up the rest of the wants.

I’ve canceled the trip to Leica school in  Boston this weekend, Maria has some illness in her family and I think we need to stick around. I’ll have my Sunday lesson on the computer and visit in person later on.

This evening, I made myself some jumbo crabmeat mixed with Bulgar wheat, almond chips, raisin, and vegan plant butter, which tastes great. I drink up the silence when I have it.

(I loved the softness of this cherry blossom photo.)

I’ve been sitting in my studio looking at and choosing my pictures since then, Maria will be home soon, and although she always tells me not to make anything for her, I always do  – I saved a small chunk of the crabmeat/wheat dinner.

I miss her when she’s gone, but I love being alone too. And like Maria, I need to be alone at times. It keeps my head from spinning right off of my body.

I have never minded being alone; it helps me to settle down, especially after the turmoil and the excitement of the prom dress trek to Bishop Maginn yesterday. I loved my year living alone at the top of a mountain. But I love being married to Maria even more.

As usual, I ate in the dining room and put on some Beatles music, The White Album. I had three dogs snoring at my feet, Zinnia recovering from an intense ball throwing in the back pasture.

(Our oldest maple tree always blooms first, and the old tree looked gorgeous as the sunset right behind it, lighting up some leaves and leaving the others in shadow.)

Sweet time, I’m putting up my photo album now. More later and tomorrow.

Sue Silverstein tells me the gowns are almost entirely gone; she has a few left. She said the girls are excited about their new dresses and greatly looking forward to their prom in a month.

So that’s my photo journal for May 11. Maria will be home in minutes and I need to warm up her food. Then, an hour or so of reading and bed. Thanks again for the many good words on prom dress day.

It was special.


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