10 May

Fanny Chews The Dog Run Down

by Jon Katz

I got the donkeys because they are guard animals, and they have done that work faithfully and diligently. We’ve never lost a sheep to coyotes, foxes, or stray dogs. The donkeys are vigilant and will charge toward any animal who shows up looking hungry.

Otherwise, they live as good a life as any donkey anywhere. They do no heavy lifting, have three pastures to graze, have a pole barn to keep the wind and snow off them, and are given a steady stream of leftover food,  alfalfa food, apple slices, and gourmet treats from Maria.

The donkeys will take off even if we so much as think of giving them actual work to do, they are mind readers and have been watching humans for many years. They love us, but never quite trust us.

We do ask them to do one thing a year, and that is to eat down the grass that grows in the dog run. Lulu refuses to do any work that is not in the contract, Fanny came right in and ate down the field in an hour. Lulu sniffed and refused to come through the gate.

Fanny got much praise, some loving and a carrot. Cheap at the price.


  1. Lulu isn’t refusing to graze the dog run she’s just hanging back with the sheep to guard them.

    1. She doesn’t like to come through the small gate, she is nervous about being confined… And she doesn’t like to be told what to do either.,,over the years, donkeys have learned to be cautious about humans..

  2. Ahh makes sense. I wasn’t being serious with my comment, just imagining a reason for her behavior.. My Great Pyrenees dogs used to guard goats that way. One would go forward and challenge the coyotes and the other would hang back with the herd to protect them. It’s all instinct with this breed. They don’t like to take orders from people, they just know what needs to be done to do their job right. Best dogs ever, but don’t try to get them to fetch a ball. They will just look and you like you are an idiot for throwing the ball and then expecting them to go get it for you. I think in another life I would have liked living around donkeys. Don’t live in a rural area anymore, but love seeing your photos and reading your posts.

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