1 May

Vacation P.S. Snail Rescue

by Jon Katz

It was inevitable, I supposed. Maria spent hours on our vacation exploring the tidal pools she’s been reading about.

She noticed a snail, left behind by a low tide trying to make its way back to the ocean. He had a long way to go and it didn’t look like he could make it in time.

She came to me and asked if it seemed appropriate to rescue a snail or let nature take its course. I loved this conversation, it could only happen with Maria.

We talked about it, and she decided to watch him for a while. You guess it, she brought it out to the low tide and gave him a chance to make up his own mind.

You have to love somebody who cares about spiders and snails.


  1. We get a variety of miniature cricket hopping into the house from garage and crawl space, in the late Fall. We hate the little beasts and then spend our time rescuing them when they get into silly places–pudding bases, mugs, slippers..
    Every cat we have ever had enjoys eating them, along with the big black crickets , of which the cats leave the scaly legs so that we can count how many have been caught.

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