30 April

Signs Of Spring: Tomorrow, Our ” Bud” Planter Gets Some Colorful Hair

by Jon Katz

The back porch is the nerve center of our home in many ways. It reflects who we are and how we are. The blue birdbath – used mostly by cats and dogs – is one sign of Spring.

The pansies are another. And so are the chickens, who gather twice a day on the porch to meet with Maria and get some gourmet leftovers.

These chickens have a regal quality about them, the older White Hen sits on the porch like a Queen and wants to be fed.

Her court takes up positions around her to preen and cluck.

Minnie, ever agreeable and conflict avoidant, gives up her favorite spot on the fiber chair. Tomorrow, our new “Bud” planter gets a makeover, Maria has some ideas about what flowers to put in his head. I’m eager to see what she decides.

Day by day, Spring is taking shape. We have one more night of frost, and it might be the last one until October or November. The weather is no longer predictable, even by the experts.

Tomorrow, Maria sets out to install 200 feet of sturdy chicken and turkey mesh fencing amidst thick vegetables and a lot of rocks. She says she neither wants or needs any help.

I have been invited to come along and visit and take some photos if I wish. I do. I will also have a bunch of new photos to put up and God knows what else to write about. Thanks for reading.

See you tomorrow.


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