5 April

The Yellow Barn On Route 22, Black And White. Color And Soul

by Jon Katz

I love the two yellow barns on Route 22, but this is the first time I saw the sun was hitting the barns squarely from the West. I pulled over and ran across the road – foolishly at one point – and took the photo above with my Iphone 13 Max Pro and one with the Leica.

The Iphone in this version does an excellent job with color. The Leica is a camera that captures the immense feeling in black and white once you know it. Black and white capture the soul of things; my regular camera captures color and reality.

I’m lucky to have them both. They each challenge me in their way.

There is no doubt that this is a color photograph, but the Leica always captures depth, mood, and detail. The color is the better photo for a yellow barn, which is rare.

But the Leica captures the mood as well, and also the detail.

One shows me this barn’s unique and rare color, and the other makes me imagine what the color might be. The yellow energy almost pokes through.


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