31 March

My Day Is Ending. I’m Looking For Some Wisdom

by Jon Katz

My day is almost ending, and it was a very fine day. I worked hard, did good, am grateful for my life. Maria and I are going to Saratoga to have dinner with Chris Archibee and his partner, who we have never met. Chris is the Godfather of the blog and he is also a lot of fun.

I am grateful for him and cherish him as a friend.

I’m looking forward to tonight.

I was working all day but I am closing the day with some quiet and some solitude and hope for some wisdom.

In our world, opinions fall like rain, especially on the Internet, but wisdom is hard to find.

I began the day with a Thomas Merton reflection, and I’ll end it with another one, both from his book, Coming Into The Silence, something I have been doing for some years now, thanks to Merton’s writing.



My Day Is Ending, by Thomas Merton

“This day is coming to a close, and I am not sure I’m any better off now than I was when it began, but I am trying.

I am working to discover what troubles me and presents me from being in silence with my God.

I’m working on not just watching myself live. I am looking for the wisdom to quiet the noise inside of me, and to discover and focus attention on what matters most.

I am told – and have learned – that this is the work of a lifetime. I hope it is much quicker than that, but either way, I’ll keep going.”


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