29 March

Remember Summer, The Mansion Cat We Rescued?

by Jon Katz

It was about five years ago in May that a young cat showed up at the Mansion looking to get. We got the idea that it would be great to have a Mansion Cat.

All the residents had to agree to it, and all of them did. As cats do, she chose the Mansion as the place she wanted to live and wasn’t brooking a no.

The Army Of Good paid for her check-up and medical care and bought some ca food.

Summer moved into the Mansion and has never looked back. She sleeps in various rooms with various residents, the aides keep a cat food bowl for her in the lobby and water to drink.

She goes out every morning and comes in and out as she pleases.

She is a calm cat, affectionate but independent. She loves to lounge on the radiators in the Great Room when it is cold. I see her sleeping on various beds.

Different residents have adopted her and she is much loved and doing well.

She tolerates my dogs but usually disappears when they show up. Zinnia wants to be friends, but she isn’t having it.

I dug out this photo of her when she first came:


  1. She looks regally comfortable. I love how cats decide who it is that should be granted the privilege of caring for them, and that Summer would not be deterred from her chosen residence. I’m sure she brings much pleasure and comfort, especially for those residents who had to surrender the company of their beloved pets in order to secure their own care. Thank you for updating her story.

  2. We had what could be Summer’s twin sister show up in our yard about the same time. She was an outdoor porch kitty until she was invited inside by our grandchildren next door . She’s a very happy family cat now, quite spoiled and beloved.

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