27 March

Spirits! Is There A Ghost Named Katherine In The Window? Tania, A Paranormal Investigator Says Yes.

by Jon Katz

Tania Woodward is my friend and contact person (okay, boss) at the Mansion. The other day I posted a picture of an abandoned farmhouse I love to photograph on the way to Albany.

It turns out that Tania, who has many different dimensions to her, is also a paranormal investigator and the former head of the Union Village Paranormal Society in Greenwich, N.Y.

She spent two years working in Saratoga on a ghost named Saratoga Rose.

Once or twice, driving by, I’ve had these chills up and down my spine, and I thought I saw the light in one of the upstairs windows one night, moving back and forth.

I assumed it was someone who owned the property. Tania says it was almost certainly a ghost. Maria agrees.

Tania says she sees them and speaks to them often. She wants to go with me to that house and investigate further.

She’s gone solo for now and messaged me excitedly to tell me she believes there is a ghost in this house; she saw her in this window of my photograph and believes her name is Katherine, see the circle she drew below:

Maria agrees that there is a ghost in that house. I am not sure, but I have a love-hate relationship with the ghost idea. I don’t believe in them, yet I think I’ve seen one or two, especially on the first Bedlam Farm.

I also have a lot of respect for Tania and Maria, and if the two of them say they are ghosts, I need to think more closely about the idea. I’ve learned that just because I don’t necessarily agree with something doesn’t mean it is false.

I will go back there and get some closer photos.


Tania, On St. Patrick’s Day


  1. lovely photo, first off! But….. although I don’t believe in actual ghosts, per se…….I do believe that there is *energy* that is present…… that can manifest itself both in the present sense, and also from the past. As you say, you felt chills at one point and thought you saw a light in the window…….. I think this energy can be perceived (if embracing the idea of it) either physically (your chills) visually (Katherine)…….or just in another sensory capacity. I had a friend who *smelled* roses at the exact moment her mother died, had my own sense of *who is calling on the phone* when the phone rings…only to be correct…….energy/spirit is there…… and it is unique to everyone who embraces it. Is it coincidence? or is it truly energy we receive? I hear my long deceased cat *meow* at times……and very plainly *hear* a voice from someone long departed………. WHAT is that? Energy.
    Susan M

  2. I like calling it “energy”. I could agree with that more easily than it’s being the spirit of a dead person that has not passed on. I do believe that both we & other beings have an energy that could remain after we have gone. That energy isn’t us, but is generated by us & may linger on. That makes more sense to me.

  3. No wonder there are so many people who “believe in” conspiracies, vote for tyrants, think there are one party pedofile cabals in big city pizza shops doing something in the pizza basements, believe that dead women would hang out in old farm houses, and frighten small children.

    Save it for the end of October.

    1. No, it’s fun and I will keep writing about it now…lots of people are interested, if you aren’t go somewhere else..

  4. I enjoy the picture and find the ideas lots of fun to read and digest. Great insight Susan. Just wish I could make out the ghost in the window.

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