Every dog I’ve ever had at Bedlam Farm has eaten cow and donkey droppings.
Bud loves to eat dogshit if we aren’t watching him.
I have researched this issue and talked to vets about it, and I know there are some remedies – pineapple, carrot juice, vinegar, medicines – that are supposed to stop them.
But nothing has. I appreciate the vets trying, but they are helpless in this situation.
I know that the best thing is to not yell at the dogs; it only arouses them and makes them eat more. I’ve never been able to stop it. Working dogs especially love to eat shit.
I know this can spread worms (the dogs get expensive worm pills every month), and I’ve seen over the years that it doesn’t hurt them, at least in my experience.
So letting it go is a spiritual as well as a personal goal. Shouting is not healthy, for them or me.
I understand now I will never be able to stop it, no matter what the amateur vets say (so don’t bother to try me, please.) So why can’t I stop?
I consider it a mental health issue. Over the years, scores of people have sent me messages promising cures and homemade remedies.
I don’t believe any of them; none have worked for me.
I know I should ignore it when they eat poop; that would signify maturity and wisdom. Any good and honest trainer will tell you to give it up.
But I can’t do it.
I take Zinnia out every morning in the pasture, and she goes straight for the manure pile. She does this so often Maria doesn’t take her out there anymore.
Zinnia is wise and tuned into me. She always tries to do what I want and usually does.
This is similar to many dogs and should be respected. The biologists don’t know why they do it, except that it is often sweet-smelling – to a dog- food. Maybe the cave dogs started it thousands of years ago.
It’s just what they do. I believe in letting them be dogs; I can’t always do it.
We can train them; we don’t have the right to try to alter their nature for our convenience.
It is disgusting to me, and I can barely control myself. I went so far as to tape my mouth shut when we went sheepherding with Rose, and eventually, I got sick of that.
She didn’t care what I thought; I am sure she was laughing at me. She ate sheep poop regularly, no matter how loud I screamed.
If I even look at her cross-wise, Zinnia stops and waits until I am not looking.
If I shut up about it, which is the right thing to do, Zinnia will leave it like my other dogs after a chomp or two.
I don’t believe in screaming at my dogs, even though I am known to do it (sorry, positive reinforcement, police, I am all too human), but I am promising myself that I will not do it anymore.
Hope springs eternal.
Zinnia is a sweetheart; she could not be better behaved. But when she comes up to me and leans up to lick me on my face, I pause and wonder where that mouth has been.
If I can do this, it will signify my maturity, self-control, and a step closer to my spiritual life.
I don’t see Thomas Merton shouting at dogs to stop eating poop. He would accept it as God’s will.
Zinnia is a great dog, gentle and loving, and if she wants to take at our growing manure pile, let her be. That is my plan. Again.
So I know it’s disgusting to us but if you think about it your farm animals eat nothing but grass, hay and grains…….much cleaner than human waste. 😉
Poop eating is normal for dogs, it’s just what they do. You can try to teach them not to but it is usually a wasted effort. I’m sure that it they are capable of it they wonder why we do not partake of such a delicacy too but hey, more for them! ;-D
Whether it’s outside or sticking their heads in the cat box, if they get the chance, my sister-in-law and I have never been able to stop any of our dogs from doing this. We have coined a phrase for it though, we call it “Shopping for treats”
I have trained my dog to only give me a lick under my chin. Somehow seems less icky than on my face.
In the nature they would eat the whole animal/prey, even the colon and stomach. A very famous vet told me, it’s healthy and for the dog like antibiotics.