2 March

Feel Better. Hang Out With A Nuthatch

by Jon Katz

Maria kept telling me I was low, and I admitted it. I meditated, went to lunch with a friend, and hung out with a Nuthatch outside the bird feeder outside of the Schoolhouse Studio window.

Nature and its animals are healing and grounding to me, and I believe to all human beings. We were created to be near them and know them.

This Nuthatch let me get close. I called him Simon. He would hop over to the feeder, grab some seeds and then jump back onto the lilac bush. He put up with me for 10 or 15 minutes; he even looked at me strangely.

I think he was wondering what I was and what I wanted. I didn’t want anything, really, but I slowly and quietly took out my Iphone and opened the camera.

When I decided to move and go back to work, the Nuthatchtook off into the maple tree; I was puzzled. Why was it okay for me to inch so close to me but not move away? I doubt I would recognize him (or her) if I saw him again. But I appreciate his tolerating me. I did feel better.


  1. I was getting out of my car today and a squirrel came down out of a tree with a nut in his mouth. I sit in my car to watch him thinking that the squirrel would eat it. But he ran under a tree and sit with the nut in his paws. He then proceeded to bury the nut under the tree. It was fun watch him.

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