28 February

What’s Up, Doc? Thanks For Inspiring Me To Never Surrender To Fear, Anger, Or The Hateful Men Of The World

by Jon Katz

I was surprised, and gratefully so, to receive a letter from one of the doctors who has challenged and inspired me to refuse lethargy and complacency and to find joy and salvation in turning away from anger and hate by doing good.

I won’t embarrass this doctor by disclosing his or her name – I’ve never gotten a personal letter from a doctor before.

This one touched me deeply, I was so surprised by it I called Maria from the post office to read it to her.

She cried.

I came close.

I might cry when I read it again later in my meditation hour.

This doctor, like most of my others, knows my weaknesses in an intimate and thorough way. Doctors see us at our vulnerable worse, I am so pleased this doctor saw more of me than that.

This doctor says I inspired her, but she may not realize that she inspired me.

The doctor explained in her letter to me that she (almost all my doctors are women) had been deeply involved in a project to help a poor and troubled medical community far from this area.  “I apologize for not having been as available as I used to be,” said the letter.

I wanted you to know that I am cheering you on over your constant effort of self-improvement and your refusal to accept defeat by complacency and over life’s difficulties.

Through your blog, you reminded me that service to others is nurturing to our soul and finding joy in our daily lives is a survival mechanism. 

You actually helped me through a very difficult year just by sharing y our farm, your life, and your art. I thank you, and look forward to seeing you at our next appointment.”

This is a doctor who helped me a lot more than I could ever help her.  This doctor sparked the beginning of my journey back to health. And helped make it happen.

My doctors have a lot less time on their hands than I do, and that made this letter all the more precious.

People complain to me about their doctors all the time, the fates have blessed me, mine had been faithful and caring magical helpers at every turn on the hero’s journey.

I turned to good deeds as a response to hatred, bigotry, cruelty, and anger I was feeling boiling all around me. I decided to match fear and resentment with good feelings, joy, and good deeds. It was the best prescription I ever had, and I wrote the scrip myself.

It does come down to a choice – surrender to fear and joy – or not. Like much of the world, I am further inspired by the brave men, women, grandmothers, and children of the Ukraine, who are risking their lives to fight for the freedom we have but take for granted.

Vladimir Putin and his Fan Boy Donald Trump and the dictators everywhere are turning the world upside down in ways they never imagined, uniting billions of people in an appreciation of freedom and democracy.

Freedom is on everyone’s lips and in their souls and hearts. Putin and Trump are reminding us just what freedom means and what it is worth.

We have looked the other way while fools, cowards, liars, and opportunists have weaseled their way into politics, Congress, the courts, and government. It will take a long time to drive them out, and even I won’t be around to see it, but I have absolute faith that we will get our democracy back.

There is a powerful resistance to evil kings and dictators in our country too, just like in Ukraine, and it will also fight against the people who would curb our freedom or take it away.

The Ukraine struggle is significant and profound.

It tells me that we are not alone in the fight for democracy and freedom.

All over the world, people and countries are rising up in a great roar to say this is enough, this is too much, too far. It won’t stand. Putin, like his best friend Trump, has done much more harm than good to his own people.

More innocent victims of arrogant leaders.

Some of us fight with guns, some with good deeds, money, governments,  some with votes, some with blogs and art.

We are saying enough to Donald Trump, the Marjory-Taylor-Greenes. the new wave of cowardly and opportunistic bigots and morons in Congress, the and to the Alexandr Putins.

Speaking only for me, I will never surrender my complacency to them or permit them to draw me into a life of anger and fear. There are people everywhere who could use a dose of good, I can find at least one every day.

Doing good is the answer, so is self-awareness, self-improvement a love for the freedoms and blessings we have been given. The world is crying out in one voice, more so than I have ever seen in my lifetime.

Democracy is important. Billions of people believe in it. Almost everyone else dreams of it.  It will prevail over the small and angry minds who seek to take it from us.

I appreciate my doctor for urging me to be healthier, and to her for seeing past my weaknesses and willfulness and cheering me on. That matters.



  1. Trump said Putin is a genius. Yes Trump said this. This is a true revelation of the evil in Trump. When people support Trump they support the suppression of free speech, the right to protest and they support a dictatorship form of government. This is a dangerous situation. The people in Ukraine are suffering terribly. They just want to be left alone and to enjoy their democracy and not have to be having babies in cold subways, having their homes bombed and families split apart. They want what we all want: Peace, love, freedom, education, good health care, safety for themselves and their families. Millions suffer because of one man’s lies and inflated ego.

  2. Putin is a mere mortal. Without the protection and loyalty of his police and military, he is nothing. I suspect he treats them quite well. America isn’t the only country with billionaires. Perhaps some day the majority of Russian people will simply tire of Putin and rise up in protest to get rid of him. It seems like everyone wants to be free and live in a democracy but it sure is hard to picture Russia without a dictator.

  3. Hi Jon,
    I will change the course of the comments here because the go to opinion or reply to your post would be to comment on the politicians here and how good or bad you may see them. I look at this post differently…
    To me, it’s the words the doctor used in their letter is the real key to all of this craziness. And she wrote: “that service to others is nurturing to our soul and finding joy in our daily lives is a survival mechanism…

    To me the only way out of this is to have a society who practices these virtues. A friend of mine summed up older age and eventual outcome as… he want’s to go while he is doing something for someone else rather than having your hand out to recieve from others. Some may call this the Christ -like way.

    Jon, you have written about this point of view in many different ways and obviously have chosen to live your older years doing just that. I no longer get angered by Trump or any far right winger. I just try to live live my life by giving to others and helping others. Really, I get more satisfaction out of that than the normal American retirement quests. Keep up the great work.


    1. You too, Ed, Jesus Christ has been a great inspiration to me, although I am not a Christian. I am honored to follow the Christ-like way.

  4. Despite being overworked during the pandemic all of the doctors and other medical professionals I have dealt with have continued to be patient and caring. When my husband died suddenly, his doctors all sent sympathy card, some including a note that touched me almost to tears.

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